If you are wondering which is better when renting a car between debit cards versus credit cards, credit cards are. Although you can usually rent a car with a debit card, most, if not all, rental car companies prefer customers to use a credit card. They are, after all, letting you drive away with an asset that’s worth at least $20,000 or so, and a credit card provides assurance that they can recoup money for any damages that might happen while you have the car. You might need to jump through some extra hoops to use your debit card, but if that’s all you have, and if you need to rent a car, it is possible. Here’s what you need to know.
There’s no question that renting a car is easier with a credit card, so if you have a choice between debit cards versus credit cards, choose a credit card. If you don’t want to deal with the hassles of trying to rent a car with a debit card, consider taking out a secured credit card, which works just like any other credit card, even at rental car companies. The only difference is that you must deposit money to the secured card, and that becomes your credit limit.
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