If you applied for a credit card for bad credit instant approval and you were denied, or even if you are just thinking about applying, read on because we can help. Applying for a new credit card can be a stressful time. If you’re aiming for a big bonus card, the approval process will pretty much determine whether you get thousands of dollars in rewards or nothing at all. And since nearly all applications now offer instant decisions, you’ll know very quickly whether you’ve been approved or not. Even when applying for a credit card for bad credit instant approval is a possibility on almost any online application. But denial is possible as well.
We all strive for instant approvals but unfortunately things don’t always go that way. Luckily though, there are quite a few tips and strategies you can use if you’re not instantly approved.
A pending application isn’t the end of the world but you will need to take a few steps to nudge your application in the right direction. I like to move quickly on these so as soon as one of my applications goes pending, I’ll call in right away to the reconsideration line.
Most banks have unlisted reconsideration lines that are used for situations just like this. All you need is your social security number or application number and the representative should be able to find your application with that info alone.
Often times, when applications go pending the bank just needs a little more info or maybe you made a small error on your application. There are lots of reasons why you think you are filling out a credit card for bad credit with instant approval but then it’s not instant; an application may go pending but even if you’re denied it’s still not the end of the world. Just give the reconsideration line a call but be ready to answer some tough questions.
Most applicants probably think it’s the end of the line when their application is denied. But if your application is denied you’re not a lost cause quite yet. You can actually call into the same reconsideration numbers and get someone to take a fresh look at your application again.
This is important because you want to be able to explain your situation and try to convince the customer service representative why you need this card. Your reasons might be solely because you want the bonus miles but that isn’t what you should tell the rep. Here are a few tips to keep in mind when calling the reconsideration line:
If all else fails, spend some time at credit card comparison websites, such as CreditCards.com. Find a card that has requirements which might work for you, like a secured card or department store card. Remember, there are always options for even the lowest credit scores.
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