The best cash back credit card is sometimes the one that is hard to get or where you have to act fast. For those who are starting to rack up a lot of credit cards, you may find it harder and harder to get the best sign-up bonuses. Obviously you can only get one sign-up bonus with a card like the Amex Preferred Rewards Gold (PRG) so it would make sense not to waste that application unless they have a special limited time offer. But you never really know for sure when cards are going to be increasing their sign-up bonuses.
I signed up with the Amex PRG card when they had a special sign-up bonus of 75,000 points a few years ago. That was the highest offer anyone had ever seen and it turned out to be a targeted offer that the public got hold of accidentally. When things like that happen, you’ll need to act quickly because these best cash back credit card offers don’t last! But most of the time it pays to be patient.
The standard offer for the PRG is 25,000 points but any time it goes up to 50,000, it’s probably a good time to get the card. Cards like this are known to fluctuate throughout the year and while you may not be able to predict when the offer will increase, it’s easy enough to wait around until it does.
If I’m considering a certain card, I’ll do my best to wait around for a limited time offer but I generally won’t wait forever. The bonuses on some of these cards are constantly fluctuating but they are hard to predict.
So if you see a card that you like with a bonus that is suitable for your needs, don’t wait. There’s the chance that points could get devalued and be worth slightly less when you get them and it’s better to secure the points now in case the bonus actually goes down. You may not ever find the best cash back credit card and you will just have to settle for what looks good.
A lot of credit card companies like to use the summer as a time to release limited time offers. So this is an especially good time to stay vigilant for new offers. Here are a few examples of common summer time limited time offers for the best cash reward credit card:
A lot of newbie credit card churners might be lured in by great limited time offers but remember that these cards often have the highest credit standards and spend requirements. If you’re just getting into the miles and points game, you should start with a more entry level card like the Chase Freedom or the Citi Thank You Card. These cards won’t offer bonuses in the 50,000 point range but you can still get a good limited time offer and get your credit headed in the right direction.
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